What is a Storyboard?
A storyboard is a graphic representation of your plan for a video. You are transcribing your vision, shot by shot. It allows anyone to visualize your script and your concepts—how actors, backgrounds, props, camera angles, and lighting fit together in a scene.
Why Do You NEED A Storyboard?
A storyboard is a visual aid that allows you to share and explain your ideas for the video. One of the hardest things for filmmakers is to truly get their vision across in an explanation. Storyboarding makes things as simple as reading a basic map.
With planning scenes shot by shot, you are fundamentally creating a plan for production. You now have a detailed outline of the shots you need, the order in which they need to be combined, and how the scenes will work with the script.
Time and Money. A storyboard can also immensely help an editor. It allows the editor to understand exactly what your vision is so that you don’t have to ask for several revisions. Get the project done quickly, cleanly, and exactly.
How Do You Make A Storyboard?
It can be as simple as drawing lines on a paper. But, if you and the ruler don’t get along, here are possible templates.
Each square represents a shot. You can draw these shots by hand, make them on a computer or use pictures and photographers. Leave some space below or to the side to write notes. This may include pieces of script, a description of what is happening in the scene, or specific directions. Make it simple and clear for the viewer. Like reading a comic book.
Storyboards might take some time in the beginning but they save you so much trouble in the long run. Do not pass up using such a simple tool.
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